Everett Pedicure Spa Chairs

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Everett Pedicure Chairs

Click to Call 888-237-5168

Types of Customers Demand Types of Pedicure Chairs.

Everett Pedicure Spa Chairs

Your Target Customer Differs per Area.

Spa Chairs Everett

Several different types of pedicure chairs in Everett exist when it comes to customers. Many salons like having and accommodating large customers. The larger they are the wider the spaces in your salon have to be.

A wide chair offers space between each armrest and your customer. Some salons do not want problems with the wide customers. A fat person can step on a glass bowl and crack it. A fat person can step on your crystal bowl and crack it on the bottom. A fat person can step on the water stopper and bend the flipper. A fat person presses back on the massage unit causing larger problems.

Wider people require more space. Narrow chairs are also available. Many narrow chairs can allow you to place 1 additional pedicure chair in the line for more income. Call anytime to see your options in our showroom.

A fat person can crack a glass bowl.

A fat person can crack a crystal bowl

Everett Pedicure Chairs

Gulfstream La Tulip 2 Pedicure Chair

Canada's White & Black Base Options.


A fat person can break the stopper

A fat person presses back on the massager.