Vancouver Pedicure Spa Chairs

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Vancouver Pedicure Chairs

Click to Call 888-237-5168

Shiatsu Massage in Your Pedicure Chair only a Phone Call Away.

Vancouver Pedicure Spa Chairs

Vancouver request a live demo of massager comparisons.

Spa Chairs Vancouver

Live showroom benefits you when buying pedicure chairs. Vancouver is in our distributor territory. When looking online you can only see photos of what pedicure chairs look like, but Pedicure Spa Superstore has a showroom accessible to you Live online. We offer you a tour in your own time zone because we are located in California. We are the only distributor for the West.

You can make the massager the main focus for you purchase. Larger people tend to push back on the massage unit of your pedicure chairs. Every day the wear and tear on the massage unit makes you money. You need to understand which massage units will last and what the differences are between mid-high end manufacturers. A sales person will take the time to show you the models of each manufacturer side-by-side. We explain maintenance and how easy it is to get parts for your particular selection. Lifespan is key to an easy running salon. Call today and ask for easy.

Live Massager Side-by-Side Manufacturer Comparisons.

Customers Push Back on the Massager

Vancouver Pedicure Chairs

Gulfstream La Plumeria Pedicure Chair

Pipeless Full Massage Pedicure Chair from Canada.


Understand How to Service Your Massage Unit

How and What Parts You Will Need in the Future